Location: Chapel
Donor/ lender: Ahmanson
Sometimes referred to as the "One Jesus Loved", John was martyred, beaten, stoned, lost at sea, shipwrecked, and thrown into a pot of boiling oil. John died peacefully in Ephesus at the age of 68.
ohn was the brother to James and the son of Zebedee.
According to lrenaeus, this John was identical to "the disciple whom Jesus loved" (John 13:23 - 19:26) and furthermore the author of the Gospel according to St. John, the Epistles of St. John and the Revelations of St. John.
Some doubt is cast on this in Mat. 20:23, where it is suggested that John was martyred earlier, presumably in Palestine, together with his brother James.
St. John's attribute: a chalice, often with a snake, a lizard or a dragon.
Furthermore. he is portrayed with a tub, or standing in a barrel (on the orders Of the Emperor Domitian he was thrown into a barrel of boiling oil without it harming him).
Attribute: The eagle - which refers to the sublimity - the "loftiness" of the Prologue to the Gospel of St. John or to the fact that St. John started his gospel "from above" by talking about the Word that was God. The eagle rises above the divine light to its very center: the Word (John 1:1-18). The ancient belief was that the eagle could fly higher than any other bird.
Pictured here:
Shows the face of St. John together with the eagle.
St. John is here portrayed with his eyes closed, perhaps standing at the foot of the Cross together with Mary - sorrowing.